still don't have a title

New queries for reportbug-ng

Instead of the boring “package” queries, rng used to support ‘till now, rng now supports all the queries our BTS supports:

Those queries are available on the command line too and behave exacly as if entered in the program: The syntax is: rng [QUERY], where query is one of the above (and rng a convenient shortcut to reportbug-ng).

An example: if you start rng, you’ll get the full list of all bugreports I’ve ever reported. Now you can filter the list to find all bugreports I’ve filed against, say: qgo… voila. It doesn’t get any easier than that, does it?

Those new queries and a few changes under the hood required quite a lot of refactoring in the code and I’m somewhat scared that I’ve introduced some new bugs. So I guess I should stop releasing so often (or for at least 10 days so rng can finally enter testing) and use the time to start writing some unit tests.