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apt-get update slow when LANG != C?

For a few weeks now, aptitude is really slow updating the package list – downloading the lists is actually fast as normal but it always waits for a minute or so with a 99% [Warten auf Kopfzeilen] (Waiting for headers) message. I tried apt-get update – same problem.

Now the funny thing is: LANG=C apt-get update orLANG=C aptitude -u works just fine! I also tested with LANG=de_DE, it_IT, fr_FR and even en_US – always slow, so it looks it always occurs when LANG is not set to C?

Anyone else noticed this problem? I skimmed through the bug reports of apt, but didn’t find a similar bug.

Update: Looks like google-chrome is the problem! Commenting out the content of /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list, as Jaime suggested in the comments, everything worked fine again.