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How to get the most precise time, comparable between processes in Python?

Let’s consider the following scenario: I have two Python processes receiving the same events and I have to measure the delay between when process A received the event and when process B received it, as precisely as possible (i.e. less than 1ms).

Using Python 2.7 and a Unix system you can use the time.time method which provides the time in seconds since Epoch and has a typical resolution of a fraction of a ms on Unix. You can use it on different processes and still compare the results, since both processes receive the time since Epoch, a defined and fixed time in the past.

On Windows time.time also provides the time since Epoch, but the resolution is in the range of 10ms, which is not suitable for my application.

There is also time.clock which is super precise on Windows, and much less precise on Unix. The mayor drawback is that it returns the time since the process started or since the first call of time.clock within that processes. This means you cannot compare the results of time.clock between two processes as they are not calibrated to a common t-zero.

I had high hopes for Python 3.3 where the time module was revamped and I was reading about time.monotonic and time.perf_counter. Especially time.perf_counter looked like it would suit my needs as the documentation said it provides the highest available resolution for the system and was “system-wide”, in contrast to for example the new time.process_time which was “process_wide”. Unfortunately it turned out that time.perf_counter acts similar to time.clock on Python 2.7 as it provides you with the time since the process started or the first time the method was called within the process. The results of time.monotonic are comparable between processes, but again not precise enough on Windows.

Here is a small script which demonstrates how the times provided by time.clock and time.perf_counter are not comparable between processes. It starts two processes and lets both of them print out the output of the timer to stdout. In the output the times should be monotonically increasing. Since I let process 2 sleep for one second before calling the timer method for the first time, the output of this process is usually one second smaller when using time.clock or time.perf_counter.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from multiprocessing import Process
import time

timers = ['clock', 'time', 'monotonic', 'perf_counter']

def proc(timer):
    timer = getattr(time, timer)
    for i in range(3):
        print('P2 {time}'.format(time=timer()))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    for t in timers:
        print("Using {timer}".format(timer=t))
        p = Process(target=proc, args=(t,))
        timer = getattr(time, t)
        for i in range(3):
            print('P1 {time}'.format(time=timer()))

The result when running on Windows with Python 3.3:

$ python
Using clock
P1 6.146032526480321e-06
P1 0.9926582847820045
P2 2.9612702173041547e-05
P1 1.9941743992602412
P2 1.0008579302676737
P2 2.0022709590185346
Using time
P1 1368614235.509732
P1 1368614236.511172
P2 1368614236.601301
P1 1368614237.512612
P2 1368614237.602741
P2 1368614238.604181
Using monotonic
P1 484.636
P1 485.63800000000003
P2 485.738
P1 486.639
P2 486.73900000000003
P2 487.741
Using perf_counter
P1 12.390910576623565
P1 13.39050745276285
P2 7.542858100680394e-06
P1 14.39190763071843
P2 1.0014012954160376
P2 2.0041399116368144

So as far as I see it, there is no way of getting comparable times between two processes on Windows with more precision than 10ms. Is that correct or am I missing something?