Investigating the popularity of Python build backends over time (II)
— Last year, I analyzed the popularity of build backends used in pyproject.toml files over time. This post is the update for 2024.
— Last year, I analyzed the popularity of build backends used in pyproject.toml files over time. This post is the update for 2024.
— Inspired by a Mastodon post, I wanted to investigate how the popularity of build backends used in pyproject.toml files evolved since the introduction of PEP-0517 in 2015.
— Every year, I revisit the current best practices for Python packaging. This is my summary for 2022.
— Every year, I revisit the current best practices for Python packaging. This is my 2021 edition.
— Exploring two different strategies for using Makefiles in Python projects
— In 14 years since starting this blog, I changed the software several times, with each iteration simplifying requirements and setup.
— How to generate git commits in the past to create beautiful github streaks.
— noir is a drop-in replacement for black, with the default line length set to 79 characters.
— litestats is a tool that converts Python's profiler output into a sqlite3 database for easier exploration and analysis.