still don't have a title

What are the most popular .vimrc options?

Hi always wondered what the most popular options are, you usually find in .vimrc files. So I downloaded 155 .vimrc files from the net (mostly from and, and wrote a little script which counts the number of times an option has been set. Since most options come in normal- and shortcut form, I mapped the shortcuts to the long version whenever I recognized them.

So without further ado, here are the most popular .vimrc options (without values!). The number specifies the number of times this option has been set. The most popular option is on the bottom:

10 tselect
10 dictionary
10 runtimepath
11 mousehide
11 t_vb
11 foldlevel
11 foldopen
12 suffixes
12 matchtime
12 fileencoding
13 modelines
13 wrap
14 sidescrolloff
14 clipboard
14 lines
14 novisualbell
15 linebreak
15 cursorline
15 fileformats
15 columns
15 cindent
16 undolevels
16 shiftround
16 lazyredraw
16 completeopt
18 modeline
18 whichwrap
18 wildignore
19 list
19 autowrite
19 foldcolumn
19 grepprg
19 titlestring
20 autoread
20 title
21 foldenable
21 cmdheight
22 pastetoggle
23 formatoptions
23 fileencodings
24 tags
24 directory
25 ttyfast
26 termencoding
26 complete
27 nohlsearch
27 noerrorbells
27 visualbell
28 shortmess
30 showmode
31 wildmode
32 t_Co
32 listchars
32 backupdir
34 hidden
34 backup
35 smarttab
35 foldmethod
36 viminfo
36 textwidth
37 scrolloff
37 nobackup
41 nowrap
44 encoding
47 guifont
51 guioptions
53 smartcase
54 wildmenu
57 smartindent
60 mouse
63 background
64 softtabstop
66 history
70 showmatch
72 ignorecase
74 showcmd
74 laststatus
79 number
82 hlsearch
91 statusline
94 expandtab
94 ruler
96 autoindent
96 backspace
99 tabstop
109 incsearch
114 shiftwidth
124 nocompatible

Out of 155 .vimrcs

Fun fact: nocompatible is the most popular, but also most useless one. The fact that you have an .vimrc automatically implies the nocompatible mode in vim.